Soul’s Body®: A Journey to Healing through Conscious Movement Practices

October 14, 2016 - October 14, 2016
Price: FREE

Summit open from September 19 – October 14, 2016 (videos available for purchase after October 14)

Video Interview with Erica Goodstone, Ph.D.

“Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me” Virtual Summit

As early wounding often happens in the context of relationship, genuine healing requires cellular resonance —  the opportunity to contact and draw from deep inner resources in the presence of a safe, caring, and attuned other. 

Learn about different ways of healing through a collection of conversations with pioneering Body-oriented Psychotherapists and other integrative healing practitioners.

My interview, on October 2, 2016, explores the Soul’s Body® approach to healing. Soul’s Body® integrates Jungian Depth Psychology and conscious embodied practices that engage body, brain, psyche and soul to assist in re-inhabiting your body, engaging your authenticity, exploring new ground, and returning to daily life with the treasures discovered there. This transformative process supports access to body wisdom, enhances healing and growth, and nourishes a sense of presence and compassion with oneself, others and the natural world.

Click here to for more information and to register!