Dance/Movement Therapy: Authentic Movement
The body is the home of feeling; the house of memory.
To heal, we need access to it.
In this ADTA Talk, Tina Stromsted shares how Authentic Movement can help us recover forgotten, denigrated, and repressed aspects of the self, which often remain buried until conditions are safe and nurturing enough to allow them to surface, heal and grow.
Tina describes the process of Authentic Movement which has many applications: therapy, meditation, and a source for creative work. She explores the relationship between mover and witness, and how Authentic Movement is used clinically in dance/movement therapy and Jungian analysis. Elements from neuroscience and a case vignette presented in this video help provide a better understanding of this embodied approach.
Thanks to the ADTA for inviting me and for making this video available as an educational resource. To learn more about the profession of dance/movement therapy, please visit www.adta.org.
The Legacy of Trudi Schoop, with Tina Stromsted PhD
interviewed by Jacelyn Biondo PhD
“In Conversation with History Holders of the American Dance Therapy Association”: a series sponsored by the Marian Chace Foundation: Supporting the development of Dance/Movement Therapy through Research, Education, and Scholarship.

“Trudi Schoop (1904-1999), a Swiss dancer and mime, was one of the early pioneers of the field of Dance/Movement therapy. An activist for human rights, she performed in anti-Fascist cabaret shows in Switzerland during WWII. After extensive touring, she disbanded her dance company in 1947 to move to Los Angeles, California where she was invited to work in psychiatric hospitals using dance as a form of therapy for schizophrenic patients. Recommended as a therapist by a UCLA neuropsychiatrist who had reviewed her theories, Schoop developed what she called Body-ego technique, which used movement to help draw patients out of isolation and help them to engage with, rather than shrink from, human contact.
Known for her sense of humor, courage, creativity and love – qualities so needed then, now, and always – Schoop impacted countless people, work she developed during the years following C.G. Jung’s exploration of the unconscious through the creative methods of active imagination. I am grateful to have been able to study with Trudi over the years, inspired by her wise and compassionate contributions to human rights and healing from suffering. Here’s an interview about what led me to her work, and some of the learnings there. Click here to view Video.
Photo: Trudi Schoop leading a training group of therapists, Switzerland, mid 1980s. © Hugo Lörtscher
Tina’s Story & Soul’s Body® Work
Dr. Stromsted is the founding director of the Soul’s Body® Center, integrating Jungian Depth work, Somatics, and creative arts psychotherapies. She teaches at Pacifica Graduate Institute, the San Francisco Jung Institute, and as a core faculty member of the Marion Woodman Foundation.
She was the co-founder of the Authentic Movement Institute in Berkeley, faculty in the Somatic psychology and Expressive Arts Therapy graduate programs at CIIS, and a founding faculty member of the Women’s Spirituality MA & PhD Programs.
Jens Wazel sat down with Dr. Stromsted in early March 2020 at her home in San Francisco for a spirited conversation about movement, dance and healing.
Film clip by Jens Wazel @ https://www.jenswazelphotography.com
DreamDancing®: Embodying your Dreams
Tina Stromsted introduces DreamDancing® and the many benefits of this integrative, somatic approach to dream interpretation for psychotherapists, spiritual and healing practitioners, clients, students, artists, social activists, and curious dreamers.
This interview was part of the 2018 Dreamwork Summit a free online event featuring some of the top experts, educators, and practitioners in the field. For more information, please visit https://thedreamworksummit.com. This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
Soul’s Body: A Journey of Healing through Conscious Movement Practices
In this short excerpt, Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst, and Dance Therapist discusses the potent role of movement in the process of healing and transformation.
This interview is part of a virtual summit hosted by Dr. Erica Goodstone. View the full Somatic Summit here.
Moving Towards Health: The Healing Power of Authentic Movement
This short clip contains excerpts from a documentary film on the healing potential of Authentic Movement in working with women recovering from breast cancer. Featuring reflections by Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., it includes footage of research participants exploring natural movement and speaking about their experience.
Original documentary: “Moving Toward Health” by Sandy Dibbell-Hope, Ph.D. For further information or to order a copy contact Sandy at [email protected]
Tina Stromsted on “Marion Woodman & the Embodied Soul”
This video contains excerpts form Tina Stromsted’s presentation on “Marion Woodman & the Embodied Soul” at the Imagination & Medicine IV: Soul & Body in Nature conference, May 19th, 2014 at Pacifica University in Santa Barbara, California.
In this clip, Dr. Stromsted discusses Marion Woodman and the wounded healer, spirit in nature, the unholy trinity, body/psyche/soul split, and integrative healing.
Experiences of Time
Chronos time is quantitative, “clock time” that can be measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days and years; “chronological”, sequential time.
Kairos time is qualitative, from the Greek word meaning “the right, or opportune moment.” We enter into Kairos time when we are highly engrossed in something and time passes without our noticing it. It can expand or contract depending on your experience, as in rituals where you can experience a sense of eternity in the moment, before moving back into structured time.
Both are necessary; a kind of marriage that allows us to live with more richness and depth.
Mysterium- A Poetic Prayer: Testimonials on Body/Spirit Coniunctio
This brief trailer provides a glimpse into Mysterium, by Antonella Adorisio, a rich documentary bridging polarities and communicates in a way that links matter and spirit, thoughts and emotions, images and reflections. Testimonials on spirituality and the body/spirit coniunctio from 12 Jungian analysts from Italy, U.S.A., Venezuela, and India are joined with images from around the world, unfolding a poetic prayer that reflects the language of the soul.
To order a copy of the full length DVD, click here