Dr. Tina Stromsted’s Webinars:
- Soul’s Body: Healing the Body/Psyche/Soul Split through Conscious Embodiment (1.5 CEUs)
- Embodied Alchemy: Authentic Movement & the Somatic Unconscious
(1 CEU) - Alchemy: Body & Soul in Transition
(1 CEU)
*CEUs are for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, BC-DMTs, R-DMTs, and RSME/Ts
Podcast Interviews:
Stromsted, T. “What Soul Tells the Body: Marion Woodman’s Discovery” (Interview with Patricia Martin). Jungianthology Podcast
The Jung in the World podcast series, sponsored a month of interviews about the life and work of Marion Woodman, Canadian mythopoetic author, poet, Jungian Analyst, and women’s movement figure. Here, Jungianthology host, Patricia Martin, interviews me about what it was like to learn from and work with Marion – beloved mentor, colleague and soul friend – from the 1980s on. Our conversation includes reflections on the essential elements in the transformative, depth-oriented BodySoul Rhythms approach Marion developed with Ann Skinner and Mary Hamilton to help people achieve wholeness, body and soul.
Photo: Marion Woodman & Tina Stromsted, Soul’s Body Conference, C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, 2005.
Stromsted, T. “The Body as Alchemist: Turning Life’s Lead into Gold” (Interview with Stefana Serafina). (March 2, 2018). The Embodied Way Podcast
On following the body’s internal and evolutionary wisdom to generate new life. Stefana Serafina speaks to Tina Stromsted, PhD on The Embodied Way Podcast about the body as an intelligent orchestra always organizing for healing and growth, movement as the language of the soul, and bringing light into the dark places of the psyche by using the body’s guidance. A guided practice is offered at the end of the conversation.
Stromsted, T. “The Body in Psychotherapy” (Interview with Mike Elvis David). (August 9, 2019). Business Talk Radio 1.
Stromsted, T. “Talk Therapy & Body-Oriented Therapy” (Interview with Mike Elvis David). (July 26, 2019). Business Talk Radio 1.
Stromsted, T. “C. G. Jung & Active Imagination” (Interview with Sal Giangrasso). (April 12, 2019). National Business Radio FM.
Stromsted, T. “Authentic Movement & Body Wisdom” (Interview with Sal Giangrasso). (March 22, 2019). National Business Radio FM.
Stromsted, T. “The Sacred Feminine” (Interview with Sal Giangrasso). (March 8, 2019). National Business Radio FM.
Stromsted, T. “More on Dreams” (Interview with Sal Giangrasso). (February 22, 2019). National Business Radio FM.
Stromsted, T. “Introduction to Dreams” (Interview with Sal Giangrasso). (February 15, 2019). National Business Radio FM.
Stromsted, T. “Marion Woodman & BodySoul Rhythms®” (Interview with Sal Giangrasso). (February 8, 2019). National Business Radio FM.
Stromsted, T. “Embodied Alchemy®“. (Interview with Sal Giangrasso). (February 1, 2019). National Business Radio FM.
Stromsted, T. “Elements of the Unconscious & Embodied Alchemy®” (Interview with Sal Giangrasso). (January 25, 2019). National Business Radio FM.
Stromsted, T. “Jungian Psychology & Dance Movement Therapy” (Interview with Rick Delgado). (January 11, 2019). National Business Radio FM.
Stromsted, T. “Authentic Movement.” (Interview with Rick Delgado). (November 19, 2018). All Business Media FM. (30 minutes).
Stromsted, T. “DreamDancing: Embodying your Dreams.” (Interview with Rick Delgado). (November 16, 2018). All Business Media FM. (30 minutes).
Stromsted, T. “Continued Overview of Soul’s Body work.” (Interview with Rick Delgado). (November 9, 2018). All Business Media FM. (30 minutes).
Stromsted, T. “Brief Overview of Soul’s Body work.” (Interview with Christopher Celery). (September 26, 2018). All Business Media FM. (8 minutes).
KPFA, Public Radio, Berkeley, CA. – Healing & The Arts Series:
“Re-Inhabiting the Female Body” (May 26, 1995)
“Dance/ Movement Therapy” (August 1991)
“Body Image Issues in Women’s Lives” (August, 1990)
“Dreams & The Body” (December, 1990)
Audio Recordings:
Stromsted, T. “The Moving Body in the Healing Journey.” Interview with Adrianna Gray, MA, LPC. (April 8, 2017). Virtual Transformational Healer’s Summit for Helping Professionals.
Quest4Wholeness. “Reinhabiting the Body: Authentic Movement as a pathway to transformation.” (April 29, 2013)
Somatic Perspectives on Psychotherapy: A joint publication of USABP & EABP. “Tina Stromsted- Authentic Movement and Jungian Analysis” (November 2012)
Video Recordings:
Stromsted, T. “Tina’s Story & Soul’s Body® Work”. Film interview by Jens Wazel. (2021.)
Stromsted, T. “Dance/Movement Therapy: Authentic Movement in Clinical Practice”. ADTA Talks. San Diego, CA. (2015).
Stromsted, T. “Soul’s Body: Healing through Conscious Movement Practices.” (Interviewed by Erica Goodstone, Ph.D.). (Oct 2, 2016). Virtual Somatics Summit: Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me: Conversations with Bodymind thought leaders, healers and trainers.
Stromsted, T. “Marion Woodman & the Embodied Soul.” (2015).
Stromsted, T. “Re-Inhabiting the Female Body.” (January, 1993). California Institute of Integral Studies Public Programs Lecture.
(Featured in)
Stromsted, T “Mysterium: A Poetic Prayer- Testimonials on Body/Spirit Coniunctio.” (2010). (Interviews with Jungian analysts). Directed and produced by Antonella Adorisio. (57 minute DVD). Distributed by Spring Journal. To preview DVD, click here. To purchase DVD, click here.
1992 Selected as a Group Leader: “Moving Toward Health: A Study of Dance/Movement Therapy to Effect the Psychological Adaptation to Breast Cancer.” Produced by S. Dibbell-Hope, Ph.D. Funded by the American Cancer Foundation and the American Dance Therapy Association. (30 minute video). University of California Center for Media and Independent Learning, 2000 Center Street, Berkeley, CA 94704; telephone 510-642-0460. Click here to view excerpt.
1991 “How Does Movement Heal?” Moderator, Panel discussion with Don Johnson, Joan Chodorow, Janet Adler, and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. American Dance Therapy Association, National Conference.
USABP. “Souls’ Body: Healing the Body/Psyche/Soul Split through Conscious Embodiment.” Available online for USABP members. (February 26, 2015).
2001 (November 3) “Body -Oriented Psychotherapy & Authentic Movement,” Educational Television: “Crescendo,” with Joshua Wagner, host. Channel 27.
1993, (January 8) “Body Poetry” (On Somatic psychotherapy and Creativity). Public Access Cable television, Channel 3, “Reality, Mind, & Language” with Dan Alford, Ph.D., host.
2004, (December) Korean National Broadcasting Company. Excerpt on Korean national television/morning show on dance/movement therapy as a career for women in the United States. Interview clips & experiential examples.
Authentic Movement Institute
Authentic Movement Community Website
American Dance Therapy Association, Inc.
(Contact for inquiries re dance therapy alternate route registry, the ADTA Journal, Videos/Films on Authentic Movement & Dance/Movement Therapy)
National Office
2000 Century Plaza Suite 108
10632 Little Patuzent Parkway
Columbia, Maryland 21044-3263
Tel. (410) 997-4040
Fax: (410) 997-4048
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.ADTA.org
The Marion Woodman Foundation
492 Corralitos Road
Corralitos, CA 95076
Phone: 831-724-4040
Fax: 831-724-4044
California Institute of Integral Studies
Somatics, Expressive Arts, Drama Therapy, & Women’s Spirituality Graduate Programs
1453 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Tel. (415) 575-6100
C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
Public & Professional Programs
2040 Gough Street, San Francisco, CA 94109-3418
Tel. (415) 771-8055 x208
Center for Touch Drawing
(Resources for Creative Awakening)
by Deborah Koff-Chapin
Pacifica Graduate Institute:
MA/Ph.D. Program in Depth Psychology with Specialization in Somatics Studies.
Santa Barbara, CA
European Association of Body Psychotherapy
Body Tales
(Creative and healing practice integrating movement, voice and personal storytelling by Olivia Corson)
Embodied Neurobiology
(Dynamic dance/movement therapy training with Kalila Homman)
International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA)
International Association for Analytical Psychology
(A resource for Jungian Depth Psychology, the Journal, newsletter, conference information, and international analyst members)
International Expressive Arts Therapy Association
P.O. Box 320399, San Francisco, CA 94132
Tel. (415) 522-8959
The International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA)
John F. Kennedy University
100 Ellinwood Way
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-4817 USA
Tel. (800) 696-5358 or
(925) 969-3300
(Programs in Somatics, Counseling Psych, Holistic Health, Dreams & Arts & Consciousness, includes campuses at other sites as well)
Middendorf Institute for Breath Experience
801 Camelia, Suite C
Berkeley, California 94710 USA
Tel: (510) 981-1710
email: [email protected]
Center for the Divine Feminine &
Women’s Spirituality Graduate Program
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
1069 East Meadow Circle
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Tel. 650.493.4430 x284
Email: [email protected]
Rhiannon Music
Creative, revitalizing and healing Vocal work & Singing, in the spirit of Authentic Movement & BodySoul Rhythms practices.
Center for Movement Education and Research
Alternate Route Training Courses in Dance Movement Therapy
The Center for Kinesthetic Education
Movement Arts Education Services for Children & Adults
Polyvagal informed Dance Movement Therapies
(A humanitarian approach based on the universality of our physiology to working with dance, movement and rhythm with Amber Gray)
Somatics: Magazine-Journal of the Mind/Body Arts and Sciences
1516 Grant Ave., Suite # 212
Novato, CA. 94945
Tel. (415) 892-0617
Fax: (415) 892-4388
Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy: An International Journal for Theory, Research and Practice.
Published by Taylor & Francis
Email:[email protected]
United States Association for Body Psychotherapy,
PMB 294, 7831 Woodmont Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814.
The Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche
A beautiful journal, publishing original, in-depth explorations of culture ~ myth, literature, music, visual arts, history, religion, and cultural conflict in context.
Spring Journal
The oldest Jungian psychology journal in the world. Published twice a year, each issue is organized around a theme and offers articles as well as film and book reviews in the areas of archetypal psychology, mythology,contemporary issues, and Jungian psychology.
Veterans Services
Swords to Plowshares: https://www.swords-to-plowshares.org/
Veteran Path: http://www.honoringthepath.org/
Veterans Yoga Project: https://veteransyogaproject.org/
Coming Home Project: http://cominghomeproject.net
Soldier’s Heart: https://www.soldiersheart.net/
Nursing Home Abuse Justice