“The body is merely the visibility of the soul, the psyche; and the soul is the psychological experience of the body. So it is really one and the same thing.” ~ C. G. Jung
Using Carl Jung’s process of psychological growth as foundation, this Summit hosted by the JungPlatform will take you on a journey to explore & utilize methods that can help you create a more conscious, rich, and meaningful life. One which is true to your unique essence.
The series features 12 Jungian analysts from a wide variety of perspectives and areas of expertise including: dreams, myths, synchronicity, embodiment, movement, storytelling, and more. Individuation is a deep, embodied, life-long process that roots us in our ground, personally, culturally, and archetypally both as individuals, and as world citizens. Living this paradox involves becoming more of who you really are, and making needed contributions to the wider community.
“Coming Home to the Body: A Path Toward Individuation”
Interview with Tina Stromsted PhD & Machiel Klerk (Founder of Jung Platform)
“And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anaïs Nin
From an embodied perspective, Jung’s method of active imagination can engage natural, inner-sourced movement (such as BodySoul Rhythms® & Authentic Movement) and evoke shadow movements that are often out of awareness yet enriching when they can be explored, brought to consciousness, and integrated into one’s daily life.
Tina’s interview will explore:
- How does your work with movement, body awareness, and creative arts therapies contribute to or influence individuation?
- Why is your approach to and work on individuation and the body important to the world today?
- How can people apply these ideas as they work toward individuation in a practical way in their daily lives, especially in these uncertain, vulnerable times?
This Summit offers something for everyone, whether you are discovering Jungian Psychology for the first time, or a Jungian expert, professional or therapist.
Come join us as we explore deep ground and centering in these deeply challenging times.
Fee: Participants can watch and listen to the recording for 24 hours for free. After that, it will be bundled and sold in an all access pass for $89
Click here to register.