Fairy Tales: How to Engage in the Unfolding of your Soul

June 28, 20240

Online, on-demand course sponsored by the Jung Platform.

$97 before July 8, then $125 thereafter.

For more information and registration, click here.

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Fairy tales represent psychological dynamics and patterns. They show in symbolic and metaphorical ways the life challenges and solutions we face. Carl Jung called these patterns archetypes.

From fairy Tales we learn how to psychologically engage these universal problems and challenges, such as starting the journey, being lost, betrayal & abandonment and finding our way home again.

We invited 5 different experienced teachers to talk about one fairy tale each. In this course you will learn several specific fairy tales with their unique underlying symbolic forms. Each teacher will offer suggestions on how to work with fairy tales in general. This is an invaluable skill to work with the unconscious, and is also applicable to mythology, dreams, and a symbolic reading of daily life.

Upon enrollment you will immediately get access to the 20 minute bonus class from Dariane Pictet on ‘How to work with Fairy Tales’.

Join us for a transformative journey into the enchanting world of fairy tales with our soulful storytellers. Each class is guided by a seasoned therapist and teacher deeply attuned to the symbolic and dynamic nature of the soul. Through the exploration of these timeless narratives, participants will discover profound insights into their own life challenges and opportunities, learningto view your life through a symbolic lens.

We’ll travel through kingdoms in disarray, answering the call to start our transformative journey, and explore how complexes keep us in their grip. Through these timeless stories, we encounter power dynamics, trust and abandonment, and negative, critical, and utterly destructive forces. We will also learn to identify the supportive forces within the soul that allow for positive transformation.

Delving into the unfolding and transformation of the psyche, akin to the rhythms of nature itself, this course equips participants with essential skills to navigate the complexities of the human psyche in dream work, psychotherapy, and everyday life.

Join us on this transformative odyssey into the wild landscapes of fairy tales and the depths of our own souls, where every lesson unlocks a new realm of initiation, personal development and individuation.

This course is ideal if :

  • You want to have a deeper symbolic understanding of the ways the unconscious / psyche transforms.
  • You want to deepen your therapeutic understanding of the psyche of your patient.
  • You want to elicit your creative muse better, and understand how to be more creatively involved.
  • You want to learn how complexes function, and are expressed symbolically in fairy tales (and myths and dreams)

Class 1: Tina Stromsted – The Handless Maiden

Tina will offer teachings on The Handless Maiden. From cultural repression to perseverance, wounded child to whole healed woman, and impoverishment to the mistress of her destiny, we see the heroine navigate a pathway from oppression to transformation! Embodied explorations bring these teachings to life!

Class 2: Lionel Corbett – Rapunzel

Class 3: Dariane Pictet – All kinds of Fur

Class 4: Akke Jeanne Klerk & Machiel Klerk – Hansel and Gretel


We here at Jung Platform want to make these programs available to anyone. If you would love to participate yet can’t pay for the full course, then please send us an email at [email protected] and describe why you feel you qualify for a scholarship, how much you can pay, and what you will do to help the Jung Platform promote this and other programs.

For more information and registration, click here.


*Image: In the Magical Forest – Getty Images