What is the body’s role and experience in healing and transformation, and how do movement, witnessing, and dreaming facilitate this process? These questions will guide our exploration in this summer’s Authentic Movement retreat for advanced practitioners. Elements from Jung’s theory, attachment work and neuroscience will enhance our explorations.
Dance has been a spirited and healing medium since the days of the ancient shamans. The challenge in our time has to do with reintegrating mind, body, and spirit following millennia in which the body has been in shadow, its wisdom nearly forgotten. Natural movement is one of the most immediate ways to evoke consciousness in the cells – the light in dark matter – providing a way to listen to the body and open to the deeper healing energies of the Self.
C.G. Jung urged each of us to come to know the myth we are living. Themes that arise in depth-oriented movement practice often mirror many universal myths and legends of descent and return that express symbolically the process of deep psychological development in the journey toward becoming more whole. Authentic Movement provides a process that can assist in re-inhabiting the body, supporting you in making the descent into the dark regions below and returning to daily life with the treasures discovered there.
Join us in exploring the interpenetrating relationships between body, mind, psyche, and soul in this nourishing, vital process!
Designed for healing practitioners, clinicians, educators, artists, and those interested in growth and matters of the spirit, this depth-oriented Jungian approach will integrate Authentic Movement (active imagination in movement), drawing, writing, communion with nature, and creative methods from Marion Woodman’s BodySoul Work. Studio sessions will be supplemented by seminars focusing on questions arising from your personal explorations, as well as applications relevant to your creative and professional work.
Nestled in Tuscany’s beautiful rolling hills and vineyards, the private retreat center offers a peaceful, inspiring setting for self-renewal. Walking trails, delicious Tuscan cooking and a swimming pool enhance the experience. Nearby coastal villages make for a wonderful holiday if you can take the time following the intensive, as well.
In-depth experience in Authentic Movement is vital. Some background in dreamwork, expressive arts therapy or other forms of embodied creative exploration that engage conscious attention is necessary, as well as a background in personal analysis/psychotherapy. A working knowledge of English is important in order to understand and participate in the intricacies of the work. (Unfortunately it is not feasible to work with a translator as participants come from many countries and linguistic backgrounds.)
Tuition: $1,450 US
40 CEUs available for MFT’s, LCSW’s, LPCCs, DMTs & BC-DMTs
Accommodation and meals: 65 Euros/night (6 nights), shared occupancy, paid directly to the retreat site upon arrival.
Registration: Enrollment is by application only. Deadline is April 20th; space is limited, early enrollment is advised. Please contact Tina Stromsted at email: [email protected], or Tel.: (415) 668-7857 USA www.AuthenticMovement-BodySoul.com
Apply online or click here to download application and PDF flyer
Apply Now
Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., MFT, BC-DMT is a Jungian analyst, Somatic psychotherapist, and board certified Dance therapist with a private practice in San Francisco. Past co-founder and faculty of the Authentic Movement Institute, she teaches at the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, in the Depth Psychology/Somatics Doctoral program at Pacifica Graduate Institute, with her team in Marion Woodman’s BodySoul Work Intensives, and numerous universities and healing centers internationally. With roots in theater and dance and nearly forty years of clinical experience, her publications explore the integration of body, mind, psyche and soul in healing and transformation. Tina’s passion is in reclaiming body wisdom, engaging creative methods for healing and growth, in-dwelling with nature, and living a life of soul.
Margareta Neuberger will be assisting. With an M.A., in Somatic Psychology, Margareta is a teacher and practitioner of Authentic Movement, somatic educator and massage therapist, who has explored the interconnectedness of healing, spirituality and creativity for the past 30 years. A native of Germany, she moved to San Francisco in 1984, after completing a B.A. in Theology. She has worked in private practice since 1989, offering Authentic Movement to individuals and groups as an embodied meditative and healing discipline. Margareta is the mother of 10 year old Lukas.