LECTURE: December 2, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm PST
Our bodies and dreams may be our closest links to the unconscious, expressing the soul’s longing through image, breath, gesture, the rhythm of our step, and the music of our speech. Dreams carry treasures that enhance the meaning and depth of our life’s journey. Illuminating our inner landscape, they help us come to know disowned parts of ourselves, point to what we value, and provide guidance on our life path. This talk will introduce DreamDancing ©, an embodied approach that integrates C. G. Jung’s active imagination approach with creative, embodied methods, including a brief experience.
WORKSHOP: December 3, 2022 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm PST
In these challenging, polarizing times we are called to draw from creative, healing energies from deeper parts of the Self. Expanding our awareness of the somatic foundations in all relationships – therapeutic, educational, family, friendship, partnership, nature and more – can deepen empathy and effectiveness in being present, while providing avenues for self-care and renewal.
In this winter time as the new light begins to dawn from the darkness, we engage light in the body through working with a dream image as healing medicine. Together we will engage our dreams to connect with a deeper sense of knowing, creativity, and wholeness — in ourselves, in all our relations, and as world citizens attuning to an evolving planetary call.
This workshop will support you in nurturing body and soul through presentation, expressive movement, drawing, and writing.* No experience in dance is necessary, only curiosity and openness to engage the unknown.
In preparation, I invite you to let a healing image come to mind – something comforting, warming, or sacredthat’s meaningful for you – from a dream, nature, an object on your altar, or something from your daily life. Says Jung, “My soul, where are you? Do you hear me? I speak, I call you – are you there? I have returned, I am here again.” No experience in dance is necessary, only curiosity and openness to engage the unknown.
All are welcome!
For more information & to Register, click here.
TINA STROMSTED, PH.D., MFT, LPCC, RSMT/E, BC-DMT, is a Jungian analyst, Board Certified Dance/Movement therapist, Somatics Educator, and author. Former co-founder and faculty of the Authentic Movement Institute, she teaches at the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, Jung Platform, the Marion Woodman Foundation, and at conferences for the International Association for Analytical Psychology. With 45 years of clinical experience in hospitals, community mental health, and private practice, her numerous publications & webinars explore the integration of body, psyche, soul, relationship, community and nature in healing and transformation. Founder of Soul’s Body Center®, she lectures and teaches at universities and healing centers in many parts of the world, with a private practice in San Francisco. Visit her website at: www.AuthenticMovement-BodySoul.com