For more information about Tina’s professional background and publications, see Academia.edu.
Stromsted, T. (in press). Soul’s body: Active imagination, authentic movement, & embodiment in psychotherapy. Routledge.
Stromsted, T. (2025). Psyche’s body: A brief history of engaging the body in analysis and psychotherapy. IAAP News Bulletin, (36), January 2025.
Stromsted, T. (2025). Meeting Joan Chodorow: Dancing in the depths. IAAP News Bulletin, (36), January 2025.
Stromsted, T. (2024). Solutio and embodiment. In The C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco 2023-2024 annual report.
Stromsted, T. (2024). Dancing in the fields. Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, 18(4). https://doi.org/10.1080/19342039.2024.2405423
Stromsted, T. (2024). Dancing in the Fields. Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, Volume 18, Number 4, pp. 1–2, Print ISSN 1934-2039, Online ISSN 1934-2047. © 2024 C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. DOI: 10.1080/19342039.2024.2405423.
Stromsted, T. (2024). Solutio and Embodiment in Analysis. At the Institute [Annual Report, Fall 2024]. The C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. San Francisco, CA.
Stromsted, T. (2022). Active Imagination in Movement – Holding the Tension of the Opposites in a Changing World: Inner & Outer. In J. Egli (Ed.), Analytical Psychology Opening to the Changing World: Contemporary Perspectives on Clinical, Scientific, Social, Cultural and Environmental Issues. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of the International Association for Analytical Psychology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 28 -September 2, 2022. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag. https://www.daimon.ch/author-
Stromsted, T. & Zaphiriou-Zarifi, H. (2021). Moving the Political Body toward Consciousness IAAP Analysis and Activism IV Conference: The Reality of Fragmentation and the Yearning for Healing: Jungian Perspectives on Democracy, Power, and Illusion in Contemporary Politics. San Francisco, California, and Internationally Online, October 16-18 2020. The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS) Online publication.
Stromsted, T. (2020). Shadow Dances: Reclaiming ‘The Other’. In J. Egli (Ed.), Encountering the Other: Within Us, Between Us, and in the World. Proceedings of the 21st International IAAP Congress for Analytical Psychology, Vienna, Austria, August 25 – 30, 2019. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.
Stromsted, T., et al. (2020). Active Imagination in Movement: Encountering the Other: Within Us, Between Us, and In the World. In J. Egli (Ed.), Encountering the Other: Within Us, Between Us, and in the World. Proceedings of the 21st International IAAP Congress for Analytical Psychology, Vienna, Austria, August 25 – 30, 2019. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.
Stromsted, T. (Spring/Summer, 2020). Embodied wisdom: The dance of three. International Body Psychotherapy Journal: The Art & Science of Somatic Praxis, 19(1).
Stromsted, T. (2019). Witnessing Practice: In the Eyes of the Beholder. In H. Payne, S. Koch, J. Tantia, with T. Fuchs (Eds). The Routledge International Handbook: Embodied Perspectives in Psychotherapy: Approaches from Dance Movement and Body Psychotherapies (pp. 95 – 103). London, UK: Routledge. (Available for purchase here).
Stromsted, T. (July, 2018). Embracing the Body, Healing the Soul, C.G. Jung Society of Atlanta Newsletter. For more information, please see.
Stromsted, T. (2017). Embodied Alchemy: Transformative Fires Within. In E. Kiehl & M. Klenck (Ed.), Anima Mundi in Transition: Cultural, Clinical & Professional Challenges. Proceedings of the 20th International IAAP Congress for Analytical Psychology, Kyoto, Japan, August 29-September 2, 2016. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.
Stromsted, T., et al. (2017). Authentic Movement: Danced & Moving Active Imagination. In E. Kiehl & M. Klenck (Ed.), Anima Mundi in Transition: Cultural, Clinical & Professional Challenges. Proceedings of the 20th International IAAP Congress for Analytical Psychology, Kyoto, Japan, August 29-September 2, 2016. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.
Stromsted, T. (2015). Authentic Movement & The Evolution of Soul’s Body® Work. Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices: Authentic Movement: Defining the Field, Intellect, vol. 7.2. Read abstract here.
Stromsted, T. (2015). You Are a Spark from My Shining: A conversation with Penelope Etnier Dinsmore. Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche, Routledge, 2015, vol. 9.3, 79-94. Read abstract here.
Stromsted, T. & Seiff, D. (2015). Dances of psyche and soma: Re-Inhabiting the body in the wake of emotional trauma. In D. F. Sieff (Ed.), Understanding and healing emotional trauma: Conversations with pioneering clinicians and researchers. London, UK: Routledge. (available on Amazon Books). Read chapter summary here.
Stromsted, T. (2014). The alchemy of Authentic Movement: Awakening spirit in the body. In Williamson, A., Whately, S., Batson, G., & Weber R. (Eds.), Dance, somatics and spiritualities: Contemporary sacred narratives, leading edge voices in the field: sensory experiences of the divine (pp. 35-60). Bristol, United Kingdom: Intellect Books. (available on Amazon Books)
Stromsted, T. (Online). Body to word: An interview with Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., ADTR, by Karin Fleischer, MA. Centro de Practica y Formacion en Movimiento Autentico: Orientacion Junguiana en Danza Movimieno Terapia. (2001).
Stromsted, T. (2014). Embodied alchemy: Awakening spirit in the body. In L. Cowan (Ed.), One hundred years on: Origins, innovations and controversies. Proceedings of the 19th International IAAP Congress for Analytical Psychology, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 18-23, 2013. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag, CD.
Stromsted, T. (2013, January/February). Margaret Wilkinson: Mind-brain-body Perspectives on Psychotherapy. Viewpoint: News & Views of The Psychotherapy Institute.
Stromsted, T. & Homann, K. (2011). Dancing Body, Brain, & Soul: The Dance of Three. In Collaborations: Different Identities, Mutual Paths, Proceedings of the 47th American Dance Therapy Association Annual Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota, October, 2011, CD.
Stromsted, T. (2010). Dreamdancing. In P. Bennett (Ed.), Facing Multiplicity – Psyche, Nature, Culture, Proceedings of the 18th International IAAP Congress for Analytical Psychology. Montreal, Canada. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.
Stromsted, T. (2009) ‘Healing Soul’s Body: An Introduction to Authentic Movement.’ In P. Bennett (Ed.), Journeys & Encounters: Clinical, Communal, Cultural, Proceedings of the 17th International IAAP Congress for Analytical Psychology. Capetown, South Africa. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.
Stromsted, T. (2009) ‘Embodied Imagination: Form Grows from Emptiness.’ In P. Bennett (Ed.), Journeys & Encounters: Clinical, Communal, Cultural, Proceedings of the 17th International IAAP Congress for Analytical Psychology. Capetown, South Africa. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.
Stromsted, T. (Summer, 2009). Authentic Movement: A dance with the divine. Body Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Journal. 4(3), 201-213.
Stromsted, T. (2008). Authentic Movement: The Dancing Body in Psychotherapy. “Psychiatry and the Body”, San Francisco Medicine: Journal of the San Francisco Medical Society, Vol. 81 (5), June 2008.
Stromsted, T. (2007). Embodied imagination: Form grows from emptiness. In P. Ashton (Ed.), Evocations of Absence: Interdisciplinary Encounters with Void States. New Orleans, Louisiana: Spring Journal Books.
Stromsted, T. (2007). The Dancing Body in Psychotherapy: Reflections on Somatic Psychotherapy and Authentic Movement. In P. Pallaro (Ed.), Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved: A Collection of Essays Volume II. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 202-220.
Stromsted, T. & Haze, N. (2007). The road in: Elements of the study and practice of authentic movement. In P. Pallaro (Ed.), Authentic Movement: Moving the body, moving the self, being moved: A collection of essays. Volume II. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 56-68.
Stromsted, T. (2007). The discipline of Authentic Movement as mystical practice: Evolving moments in Janet Alder’s life and work. In P. Pallaro (Ed.), Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved: A Collection of Essays. Volume II. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 244-259.
Stromsted, T. (Winter, 2006) Re-Inhabiting the body: Authentic Movement as a pathway to transformation. Caduceus: Healing for People, Community and Planet, Issue 70, 11-15. http://www.caduceus.info
Stromsted, T. (2005). Cellular resonance and the sacred feminine: Marion Woodman’s story. In N. Cater (Ed.), Spring: A Journal of Archetype & Culture, Body & Soul: Honoring Marion Woodman (72), 1-30.
Stromsted, T. (2004). Dreamdancing: Re-Inhabiting your body through Authentic Movement. In L. Cowan (Ed.), Edges of Experience: Memory and Emergence, Proceedings of the 16th International IAAP Congress for Analytical Psychology. Barcelona, Spain. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag, CD.
Stromsted, T. (2004, Spring). ‘Descent’ as a pathway to individuation. Rowe Conference Center Newsletter. Rowe, Massachusetts.
Stromsted, T. (2002-03). Authentic movement as mystical practice: Janet Alder’s story. Somatics: Journal of the Bodily Arts & Sciences, XIV(1), 4-13
Stromsted, T. (2002, Spring/Summer). Dancing body, earth body: Andrea Olsen’s story. Somatics: Journal of the Bodily Arts & Sciences, XIII(4), 10-21.
Stromsted, T. & Haze, N. (Summer/Fall 2002). Moving Psyche & Soma: Theoretical Foundations of the Authentic Movement Institute. Contact Quarterly, 27(2), 55-57.
Stromsted, T. (2001-2, Fall/Winter). Dancing literature: Authentic Movement and re-inhabiting the female body. Somatics: Journal of the Bodily Arts & Sciences XIII (2), 20-39.
Stromsted, T. (2001, January). Re-inhabiting the female body: Authentic Movement as a gateway to transformation. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 28(1), 39-55.
Stromsted, T. (2000-1, Fall/Winter). Cellular resonance and the sacred feminine: Marion Woodman’s story. Somatics: Journal of the Bodily Arts & Sciences XIII(1), 4-11 & 51-54.
Stromsted, T. (Spring, 1998). Re-Inhabiting the female body. A Moving Journal, vol.5(1), 3-7, 10-11.
Stromsted, T. (1998). The dance and the body in psychotherapy: Reflections and clinical examples. In D. H. Johnson & I. J. Grand (Eds.), The Body in Psychotherapy. Berkeley & SF: North Atlantic Press & California Institute of Integral Studies, 147-169.
Stromsted, T. (Autumn/Winter ’94-’95). Re-Inhabiting the female body. Somatics: Journal of the Bodily Arts & Sciences X (1), 18-27.
Stromsted, T., Haze, N., Adler, J., & Chodorow, J. (1994). Excerpts from panel presentation, Authentic Movement Institute opens. A Moving Journal, 1(3), 3-7.
Stromsted, T. & Haze, N. (1994). An interview with Janet Adler. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 16(2): Fall/Winter 1994, pp. 81-90.
Stromsted, T. (1992). Body Poetry: Listening for the Child’s Voice. In Proceedings of the JFKU Movement Symposium, Orinda, California.
Stromsted, T. (1991). Bright Dreams in a Dark Bowl: Bringing Out the Light in the Body. In Shadow & Light: Moving Toward Wholeness. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the American Dance Therapy Association (pp. 42-44). San Francisco, California.
Stromsted, T. (1989). Dreamdancing as a Healing Art. In Moving into a New Decade: Dance/Movement Therapy in the ’90’s. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference/2nd. International Conference of the American Dance Therapy Association (pp. 77-78). Toronto, Canada.