Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., MFT, BC-DMT, offers Jungian analysis and body-oriented psychotherapy for individual adults. Grounded in Jungian, Somatic, and Object Relations theories, her work investigates the relationship between emotion, imagination, body, psyche, and soul. Issues related to identity, relationships, career choices, trauma, lifestyle patterns and their somatic organization, psychosomatic symptoms, dreams, creativity, questions of the spirit, and cross-cultural elements in healing may be explored.
Movement-based explorations facilitate the development of embodied consciousness and presence. Dr. Stromsted’s work spans thirty-five years in the field of healing and education. Her approach is process-oriented, responding to the unique situation, background and needs of the individual. Elements may include an integration of verbal psychotherapy with Jungian dreamwork, Authentic Movement, Marion Woodman’s BodySoul Rhythms® approach, structured movement explorations, writing, art, and voice.
(Analyst member, C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco & the International Association for Analytical Psychology. License # MFT21909, Board Certified Dance Therapist #1985 BC-DMT 430)