Body Soul Work
“To live a rich life we have to be in contact with our inner world.”
– Marion Woodman, Jungian Analyst
“The roots of the BodySoul work grow out of a deep respect for dreams, C. G. Jung’s understanding of the psyche, and the wisdom of the body. Jungian analyst Marion Woodman has nurtured and developed these roots through her passionate commitment to feminine consciousness both in her writing and her devotion to the embodied soul.
The BodySoul approach evolved over a 30-year period of collaboration between Marion Woodman, Mary Hamilton, and Ann Skinner in their BodySoul Rhythms Intensives. In these intensives, the leaders create a supportive space where each participant can access and use her own individual dream imagery to discover her authentic self and speak with a free, open voice. Art and mask-making offer space for the unlived energy (the shadow) to emerge through the body, psyche, and voice.
The imagination is the bridge between psyche and soma. Dream work, movement, voice, and creative expression are the core of the BodySoul work. The safety of the temenos (sacred space) created by the structure and format of the intensives, allows the healing of old wounds, the emergence of new energies, and the embodied living of an integrated life.
Recent scientific discoveries regarding specific neurobiological processes affirm the transformative power of the BodySoul work. Though the field of interpersonal neurobiology is new, the experience of it is not. With primary belief in the concept that the perceived and perceiver are one and are continually interacting with and affecting each other, the leaders of the BodySoul programs are strongly committed to integrating the scientific, the psychological, and the creative as their work evolves.“
*The above passage is quoted from the Marion Woodman Foundation Website & Brochure.
Spring: A Journal of Archetype & Culture, Vol. #72, Body and Soul: Honoring Marion Woodman is now available, with many richly informative chapters on Marion Woodman’s life and work. For information see springjournalandbooks.com
Dr. Stromsted is authorized to train leaders in the BodySoul Rhythms® Approach. Having studied with Jungian analyst, Marion Woodman, since the 1980’s, she has completed the Leadership Training Program with Marion, movement specialist, Mary Hamilton, and voice teacher, Ann Skinner, and collaborates with them as a member of a teaching team in furthering this approach. Tina’s individual and group sessions integrate elements from their BodySoul Rhythms approach. She also works with a team of certified teachers in five-day intensives and weekend formats. (See workshops.)
“The body is the vessel in which the transformation process takes place.”
– James Hillman, Jungian analyst